Gary Ball: Iconic

On Exhibit in the Prayer Room Gallery
July 1 - August 21

About the Artist

Gary Ball planted Redeemer Anglican Church eight years ago in Asheville, NC. He continues to serve as the rector of Redeemer, a church that ministers to a number of artists from a variety of disciplines. Gary is married to Susannah, and they have four children--Flora, Elias, Karis and Francis.

As a practicing artist, Gary primarily uses watercolor and ink. 

I enjoy watercolor because it often bleeds outside of the intended boundaries, functioning as a symbol of the sacramental overlap of earthly and heavenly realities. As a perfectionist, watercolor can be a challenging medium, but I have found that oftentimes the mistakes produce the most beautiful elements of the painting. This has renewed an anticipation within me to discover what a painting will become, beyond the initial plans that I have in mind. These elements related to composition also correspond to the spiritual life, and I pray they will draw the observer into contemplation. Rather than providing overt depictions of the unexplainable transcendence of God, I hope that viewers will find meaning beyond that which is seen on the surface of each painting.
— Gary Ball